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Ignore Them - Article that will change you ¦ First Edition ¦

Hello Everyone, Today I am going to share my views on article ignorance. Is this important? Necessary in life? Everyone must have the quality of ignoring others? yes, answer to all questions is yes. 

Without ignoring you can achieve nothing in life but a life full of debate, full of sadness, full of depression and nothing no happiness, no success, no enjoyment nothing, nothing, nothing. But according to me or as I experience you did not want that life at all, you all want a life that has enjoyment, happiness, friends, and a lot of good experience that make you happy at all moments of your life.

Now you all have questions in your mind about how to ignore? How to live a happy life? I have all answers, Just have patience and read. Firstly ignoring is not like a breath that you take every second, it is a phenomenon, it is a mindset, it is nature. In the upper paragraph, I had said that without ignoring you can't achieve nothing in life, that is true as with an example I want to explain this context:- you have an exam tomorrow and you have studied nothing in previous months and today's preparation can help you to pass your exam that is 33% or near about it. And you have started your studies and suddenly after 30 minutes your mobile rung it's your friend-best friend with whom you mainly talk about 45 min to 1hr continuously. If you picked up his call your 1 hr is already wasted then you feel thirsty and want to drink water and hungry also, as you talked for 1 hr, then you want to take rest as you have talked on mobile phone and unable to continue your studies and now minimum calculation of hours that you wasted - 3 to 4 hours. I am not saying don't pick the phone, I want to say that send him a message and tell him your situation and save your time.

 Above I had only given you an example, the situation may be like driving a car, bike, etc and many more other situations like you are doing your office work and someone came to talk with you but the talk becomes a debate and wasted your time. So, In these types of situations, you must ignore that I didn't want to talk with you as I am having so much work but If you think that whether or what he will think about me if I ignore him or many other these type of questions. Then think one thing If you fail to submit your work to your boss then what the boss will do, maybe your job be in danger or you will fail in your exam. If you didn't talk with that guy what will happen? what? what? Answer- NOTHING. He is not paying if boss fired you or He is not going to pass you if you fail. They are the only type of disturbance sometimes, A snake full of venom. How to make ignoring a mindset sometimes or every time if you feel the same disturbance? Only think what will your boss or A man who has given work will do with you if you become late or fails to submit your work or what happens if you fail to pass your exam think that and nothing. Start ignoring those who are wasting your precious time, lowering your potential, and increasing your frustration, increasing your burden, and tell me did they had given you any good, healthy, or thing that makes you happy? Answer- NO. Then why to interact with those people.

Only do one thing IGNORE, IGNORE, IGNORE, and live a happy life full of happiness and enjoyment.

Be healthy and Stay safe

~ Arsh Brar


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