Hello Everyone, Today with a new topic, with new ideas, with new views, with new feelings, I am here. The Article which I write and you read totally depends on my views.
As you have read the title "Why to become successful in life ". I think you don't have an answer to my question, I mean correct, right, suitable answer. This is a question that you have never heard, never heard about this in your school and in your home. I am talking about India to Indian students and Indian people as I am from India. You all know one thing as taught by schools and you have heard at home that "become a successful man as a successful man earns money and with money, you can make your dream into reality".but no one talks about why to become a successful man? anyone? But I have an answer.
Becoming successful in life in India means getting a job and well settled and nothing. Why Indians have this type of mindset I will tell you about this in the next blog. But getting a job is not a success than what success means? Why to become successful in life? Success means happiness, enjoyment in life If you are feeling the happiness that makes you internally happy then you are a successful man, Then you are an independent man doesn't matter that you are working under someone. But my question is Why to become successful in life? The answer is not to make your dreams into reality but to make your thoughts into reality, your words, what you think. Then how to become that type of successful man in life? The only answer is you have to become an independent man, a BOSS of your own, workers-labors work under you, not you work under someone. Like a businessman, a job giver not a job taker, like a speaker that influence people with her word-with her speech, someone different that the people have never seen before you, are you understanding what I am saying something fully different that people have never seen - never seen before you. Never try to become like someone, give a chance to others to become like you. Set an example to become an example. Be like a pro. But there are very fewer people who are successful and enjoying there life very few. Live like a king, Die like a king. Not behave like a slave at any moment of your life. Think about what I have written Think about what you have read think deeply, think wisely.
Think Different, Be Different.
~ Arsh Brar
My channel link ~ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx5G-lM0eVQZ8FQrXiB4doA
Keep silence | lastest motivational video | ~ https://youtu.be/yIaPuFPb_Iw
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