Hello Everyone, Today with a new topic, with new ideas, with new views, with new feelings, I am here. The Article which I write and you read totally depends on my views. As you have read the title "Why to become successful in life ". I think you don't have an answer to my question, I mean correct, right, suitable answer. This is a question that you have never heard, never heard about this in your school and in your home. I am talking about India to Indian students and Indian people as I am from India. You all know one thing as taught by schools and you have heard at home that "become a successful man as a successful man earns money and with money, you can make your dream into reality".but no one talks about why to become a successful man? anyone? But I have an answer. Becoming successful in life in India means getting a job and well settled and nothing. Why Indians have this type of mindset I will tell you about this in the next blog. But getting a job is not a ...